The ICC World T20 2016 to be held in India was officially launched in Mumbai at an ICC event. At the event the much awaited schedule and fixtures were announced and it was confirmed that India and Pakistan would play each other at Dharamsala on March 19. The first match of the tournament proper will be held at Nagpur between India and New Zealand on March 15. The tournament will be preceded by a preliminary qualification stage which will see six associate teams battle it out with Bangladesh and Zimbabwe for two spots to make it to the tournament proper.
The tournament will last from March 15 to April 3. The final has been awarded to Eden Gardens, Kolkata while Mumbai and New Delhi will play host to one semi-final each. The other venues include Bengaluru, Dharamsala, Mohali and Nagpur.
The ICC World T20 2016 hosting rights were awarded to India and will see a total of 16 teams compete in two rounds. The first round will be to determine two teams from a pool of eight to qualify into the tournament proper. The preliminary round to determine the two qualifiers will be Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Scotland, Ireland, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Afghanistan and Oman. Out of these, Bangladesh and Zimbabwe automatically got in the pool on account of being bottom-ranked full members. The other six teams got through on basis of their standings in a 14-team qualifying tournament.
In the table below, Qualifier from Group A of the preliminary stage has been denoted as ‘Q1A’ and the corresponding qualifier from Group B has been referred to as ‘Q1B’. The teams in Group A of the qualifiers include Bangladesh, Netherlands, Ireland and Oman. While, Zimbabwe, Scotland, Hong Kong and Afghanistan are in Group B.
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